Monday, February 9, 2009

It's all about who you know, and who THEY know!

I am over a week into this project and the results have been amazing! I have received dozens of emails from people across the country offering support and best wishes or submitting job leads. Some of the leads have been hilarious such as the “Shampoo Boy” position at an Arizona Salon. The furthest lead I have had so far came all the way from Dubai. The Blog and Facebook Group are opening doors of opportunity and have helped me to make contacts that I never would have had access to otherwise.

It is astonishing to think about how far reaching social media sites have become. I have regularly used these sites to re-connect with old friends, keep track of family events and even dating (Yes, I admit it). I have always understood the power of networking both socially and professionally. This Blog and the Facebook Group have helped me to effectively combine the two. If you ask my family and friends they will all tell you that I have always been an outgoing guy and a “people person.” I expected that much of the support would come from my personal network of family and close friends, however, the results have been more far reaching than I ever imagined! In fact, over 50% of the emails I have received so far have been from people I don’t even know personally. They are friends of friends and complete strangers who came across my story and want to be involved.

With the state of the current job market, the ability to leverage your network is KEY. No one can help unless they know you are looking! What has been fascinating to me is how eager people have been to reach out and help in my search. Once the word got out that was looking I have found that most people are more than happy to help in any way they can. The outpouring of support has been unbelievable!

Keep the posts, emails and leads coming!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Surround Yourself With Good Friends

Chester Elton appears on CNN from Garrett on Vimeo.

Like millions of Americans, I have been looking for a job the last several months. Earlier this week on CNN I heard a great interview with Chester Elton, author of The Carrot Principle. After enduring a few discouragements, Chester gave me a new perspective and a new idea for this blog. He advised job seekers to involve their circle of friends and sphere of influence in their job search. So that is EXACTLY what I intend to do through this blog. So here is the deal - over the next few weeks I am going to take any and all suggestions from you, my readers and friends. Introduce me to people you know with open jobs. Give me leads on open positions you have heard about.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Desperate Times Call For Creative Measures...

Ok, I am not that desperate but after a few months of searching and little to show for it I realized it was time for creative measures. In recent days I have been hesitant to turn on the news as the number of company layoffs climb into the hundreds of thousands if not millions. Boeing, Starbucks, Macy's, Pfizer, Caterpillar not to mention the massive cuts in the financial sector. The list goes on and on... All that doom and gloom reporting can be discouraging to hear, especially if you are the one looking for employment. I have learned 3 important keys to getting through these times of uncertainty:

Focus and direction are important in any job search, however, sitting in front of a computer scanning job boards all day is enough to drive anyone LOCO! Mix it up... get out of the house, attend community events, visit the local Chamber of Commerce and find opportunity to network in everything you do- whether at the gym, grocery store, visiting with friends, etc.

No one likes to be around a depressed person and there is not enough sympathy to go around to the 4.8 million Americans looking for jobs right now. An upbeat attitude and happy demeanor can go a long way while searching for a job and keeping those around you from going insane!

Adopt a Rock Star mentality!! If you don't sell yourself who will? Employers now more than ever want to see you set yourself apart from the rest of the pack. What can you bring to the company that the next candidate cannot? Be flexible to the ever changing job market and business world. There are always companies looking for the energetic and innovative.

Monday, February 2, 2009

It's a Jungle Out There...

It's a jungle out there and anything that I can do to set myself apart is a good thing. I had an interview with a Fortune 500 company last week and found out after I didn't get the job that there were over 700 applicants for that ONE position. I feel lucky to even have been selected for an interview! I have spent the last several months scanning job boards and posting resumes with few results. Albert Einstein once said, "the definition of insanity it is to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results." Now I am changing things up and the results have been amazing! This blog is my attempt at thinking outside the box and using my social network to find the best job opportunity. After only 24 hours, my Help John Find a Job Group on Facebook has over 130 supporters and I have received 8-10 job leads.

The award for most creative lead so far has to be the one submitted today by Heidi Ashby-Davis. Check it out! $150k salary for 6 months of fun work on the beaches of Australia would definitely be my idea of a "perfect job." This opportunity would nicely combine my love for travel, beach and money! I better get my application ready :) Thanks guys and keep the comments and leads coming!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

About Me and What I am Looking For...

I have never been afraid to take on new challenges and I like to think outside the box. I am looking for a challenging position where I am able to interact closely with people and have unlimited earning potential. I am an Eagle Scout, fluent in spanish and graduated from BYU-Hawaii with a degree in Political Science. I am currently seeking opportunities in Business Development, Marketing and Relationship Management.

Past opportunities have taken me to live all over including Scottsdale, Dubai, Mexico City, and Salt Lake City, so needless to say I am willing to relocate wherever the right opportunity lies!

Please share your comments and pass along your ideas! Thank you for your support!