Monday, February 2, 2009

It's a Jungle Out There...

It's a jungle out there and anything that I can do to set myself apart is a good thing. I had an interview with a Fortune 500 company last week and found out after I didn't get the job that there were over 700 applicants for that ONE position. I feel lucky to even have been selected for an interview! I have spent the last several months scanning job boards and posting resumes with few results. Albert Einstein once said, "the definition of insanity it is to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results." Now I am changing things up and the results have been amazing! This blog is my attempt at thinking outside the box and using my social network to find the best job opportunity. After only 24 hours, my Help John Find a Job Group on Facebook has over 130 supporters and I have received 8-10 job leads.

The award for most creative lead so far has to be the one submitted today by Heidi Ashby-Davis. Check it out! $150k salary for 6 months of fun work on the beaches of Australia would definitely be my idea of a "perfect job." This opportunity would nicely combine my love for travel, beach and money! I better get my application ready :) Thanks guys and keep the comments and leads coming!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I hope you make an application tape! I really could see you out there feeding those fish and marketing the reef!
