Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Desperate Times Call For Creative Measures...

Ok, I am not that desperate but after a few months of searching and little to show for it I realized it was time for creative measures. In recent days I have been hesitant to turn on the news as the number of company layoffs climb into the hundreds of thousands if not millions. Boeing, Starbucks, Macy's, Pfizer, Caterpillar not to mention the massive cuts in the financial sector. The list goes on and on... All that doom and gloom reporting can be discouraging to hear, especially if you are the one looking for employment. I have learned 3 important keys to getting through these times of uncertainty:

Focus and direction are important in any job search, however, sitting in front of a computer scanning job boards all day is enough to drive anyone LOCO! Mix it up... get out of the house, attend community events, visit the local Chamber of Commerce and find opportunity to network in everything you do- whether at the gym, grocery store, visiting with friends, etc.

No one likes to be around a depressed person and there is not enough sympathy to go around to the 4.8 million Americans looking for jobs right now. An upbeat attitude and happy demeanor can go a long way while searching for a job and keeping those around you from going insane!

Adopt a Rock Star mentality!! If you don't sell yourself who will? Employers now more than ever want to see you set yourself apart from the rest of the pack. What can you bring to the company that the next candidate cannot? Be flexible to the ever changing job market and business world. There are always companies looking for the energetic and innovative.

1 comment:

  1. Well I would have to say that you are definitely covering the creative side of things;)
